
英 [sɔːs]      美 [sɔːrs]
  • n. 来源;水源;原始资料
  • n. (Source)人名;(法)苏尔斯
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source 来源,出处,源头

来自古法语 sourse,升起,开始,泉源,水源,来自拉丁语 surgere,缩写自 surrigere,升起,来 自 sur-,向上,regere,升直,拉直,词源同 regulate,erect,surge,sortie.引申诸相关词义。

source: [14] A source is etymologically something that has ‘surged’ up. The word comes from Old French sourse ‘spring’, a noun use of the feminine past participle of sourdre ‘rise, spring’. This in turn was descended from Latin surgere ‘rise’, source of English surge. The notion of the ‘place where a watercourse springs from the ground’ led on naturally to the metaphorical ‘place of origin’.
=> surge
source (n.)
mid-14c., "support, base," from Old French sourse "a rising, beginning, fountainhead of a river or stream" (12c.), fem. noun taken from past participle of sourdre "to rise, spring up," from Latin surgere "to rise" (see surge (n.)). Meaning "a first cause" is from late 14c., as is that of "fountain-head of a river." Meaning "person or written work supplying information or evidence" is by 1777.
source (v.)
"obtain from a specified source," 1972, from source (n.). Related: Sourced; sourcing.
1. A particular source of contention is plans to privatise state-run companies.
2. We're interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.
3. The professionalization of politics is a major source of our ills.
4. The Middle East is the world's single most important source of oil.
5. Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.


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