
英 [speɪ]      美 [speɪ]
  • vt. 切除卵巢
  • n. (Spay)人名;(法)斯佩
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spay 切除雌兽的卵巢,劁雌兽

来自盎格鲁法语 espeier,用刀或剑切除,来自古法语 espee,刀,剑,来自拉丁语 spatha,宽刀, 阔剑,词源同 spade,铁锹,黑桃。比较 castrate,阉割。

spay: see spade
spay (v.)
early 15c., "stab with a sword, kill," also "remove the ovaries of (a hunting dog)," from Anglo-French espeier "cut with a sword," from Middle French espeer, from Old French espee "sword" (French épée), from Latin spatha "broad, flat weapon or tool," from Greek spathe "broad blade" (see spade (n.1)). Compare Greek spadon "eunuch." Related: Spayed; spaying.
1. To spay other's life act as an enjoyment, this is a really terrible thing!
把窥视别人的生活当作一种享受, 这的确很可怕!
2. Ivan was canned , he stole some spay cans , watering cans and trash cans from the cannery.
伊凡喝醉了, 他从罐头厂偷走了好多喷雾罐, 喷水壶和垃圾箱.
3. Objective: Test the stability of Amoxicillin sodium manufactured with spay - drying process and solvent - crystalline process.
目的: 考察喷干工艺与溶媒工艺制得的阿莫西林钠的稳定性.



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