
英 [stɪlts]      美 [stɪlts]
  • n. 高跷;支柱,支撑物
  • vt. 使踏上高跷
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stilt 柱子,支柱,高跷

可能来自中古荷兰语 stelte,高跷,来自 Proto-Germanic*steltijon,柱子,来自 PIE*stel,放置, 站立,词源同 stall,still.

stilt: [14] Stilt was probably acquired from some Low German source – Low German and Flemish have stilte. Its ultimate ancestor was a prehistoric Germanic *steltjōn, which was formed from a base meaning ‘walk stiffly, strut’ (source also of German stolz ‘proud’ and English stout). The derived stilted ‘over-dignified’ dates from the early 19th century.
=> stout
stilt (n.)
early 14c., "a crutch," a common Germanic word (cognates: Danish stylte, Swedish stylta, Middle Low German, Middle Dutch stelte "stilt," Old High German stelza "plow handle, crutch"), though the exact relationship of them all is unclear, from Proto-Germanic *steltijon, from PIE root *stel- "to put, stand" (see stall (n.1)). Application to "wooden poles for walking across marshy ground, etc." is from mid-15c. Meaning "one of the posts on which a building is raised from the ground" is first attested 1690s. As a type of bird with long legs, from 1831. Stilted in the figurative sense of "pompous, stuffy" is first recorded 1820.
1. The neighborhood is given over to performers, stilt walkers and drag queens.
2. Thatch hut is raised high above the paddy field on stilt.
3. Zhangzhuang the stilt dance, in Changzhi City, is very famous.
张庄的高跷舞, 在长治市是很出名的.
4. Stilt dance basic moves are Yangko step.
5. Some palms , mangroves and other tropical trees form woody prop roots , often called stilt roots.
向地生长, 插入土壤,并对茎提供一定的支撑.



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