
英 [ˈstræd.əl]      美 [ˈstræd.əl]
  • vi. 跨坐;两腿叉开坐
  • vt. 叉开(腿);骑,跨;跨立于;跨越
  • n. 跨坐
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1. strive, strife 是同源词(v f),因此它们的含义很相近;其实,stride 与 strive, strife 也是同源词,只是 stride 的引申义引申得比较远,因此仅从含义上看不出它们的同源性。
2. 古高地德语:*strit- "fight, combat, contention; quarrel, dispute" => 古法语:*strit- / *strif- "quarrel, dispute" => strife => strive.
3. 古高地德语:*strit- "fight, combat, contention" => *strid- => stride (其字面含义,其实就是两条腿之间的对峙、竞争,两条腿怎样才能形成对峙呢,当然就是叉开腿,形成跨步、跨立姿势),由此引申出了如今的含义,straddle 就是 stride 的同源同引申义的词.
4. *strid- => *strad- + -le (双写d加-le, 反复体后缀)。
5. stride => straddle.
straddle 骑,跨坐,横跨

改写自 stride,大步,阔步,跨,张开,-le,表反复。引申词义骑,横跨等。

straddle: see stride
straddle (v.)
1560s, "spread the legs wide," probably an alteration of striddle (mid-15c.), frequentative of striden (see stride (v.)). Transitive sense "place one leg on one side of and the other on the other side of" is from 1670s. U.S. colloquial figurative sense of "take up an equivocal position, appear to favor both sides" is attested from 1838. Related: Straddled; straddling. The noun is first recorded 1610s.
1. The illustration is for a straddle spread and a single explosive source.
2. International gold prices average short - term bond, Straddle the two sides deadlocked.
国际金价 短期 均线粘合, 多空双方胶着.
3. These cases actually straddle the line between test - to - pass and test - to - fail.
这样的用例实际上已经超越了“面向通过”和“ 面向 失败”的测试的界限了.
4. Recently, our reporter from the news, technical Straddle for comparison.
本报记者从近日消息面 、 技术面进行多空对比.
5. Straddle is reflected in the daily fight Straddle thinking in the day.



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