
英 [stræp]      美 [stræp]
  • vt. 用带捆绑;用皮条抽打;约束
  • n. 带;皮带;磨刀皮带;鞭打
  • vi. 精力旺盛地工作;受束缚
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1. rap, trap, strap: 敲击他,掉陷阱,蛇做皮带捆住他。
2. 在陷进里用蛇做的皮带捆住他。
3. 蛇掉进了陷阱,然后用皮带捆住它。
4. 重击(rap)他(t)一拳掉陷阱(trap),用蛇(s)做皮带(strap)捆住他。
5. bootstrap: also boot-strap, tab or loop at the back of the top of a men's boot, which the wearer hooked a finger through to pull the boots on.
strap 带子,肩带,系,捆绑,包扎,鞭打,抽打

拼写变体形式自 strope,带子,马具,挽马带,来自拉丁语 stroppus,带子,绑带,来自希腊语 strophos,带子,绳子,来自 strephein,弯,转,缠绕,来自 PIE*streb,弯,转,缠绕,词源同 strop,strophe,tropical,turn.引申诸相关词义。

strap (n.)
1610s, "band of leather," from Scottish and/or nautical variant of strope "loop or strap on a harness" (mid-14c.), probably from Old French estrop "strap," from Latin stroppus "strap, band," perhaps via Etruscan, ultimately from Greek strophos "twisted band; a cord, rope," from strephein "to turn" (see strophe). Old English stropp, Dutch strop "halter" also are borrowed from Latin, and the Old English word might be the source of the modern one. Slang meaning "credit" is from 1828.
strap (v.)
"to fasten or secure with a strap," 1711, from strap (n.). Slang adjective strapped "short of money" is from 1857, from strap (n.) in the old sense of "financial credit" (1828). Meaning "to beat with a strap" is from 1735. Related: Strapped; strapping.
1. She pulled the strap of her nightgown onto her shoulder.
2. I undid my watch strap.
3. Nancy gripped the strap of her beach bag.
4. The strap is too loose. Tighten it up a bit.
带子太松了, 再勒一勒.
5. I need a new watch strap.


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