
英 [streɪ]      美 [streɪ]
  • vi. 流浪;迷路;偏离
  • adj. 迷路的;离群的;偶遇的
  • n. 走失的家畜;流浪者
  • n. (Stray)人名;(挪)斯特雷
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1. st- (street) + ray => 在大街上追逐光线,结果迷路了。
stray 偏离,走失,走神,离题

来自古法语 estraier,漫游,流浪,偏离,可能来自通俗拉丁语*estragare,缩写自 estravagare, 来自拉丁语 extra vagari,漫游,偏离,词源同 extravagant,vagary.拼写比较 strange,extraneous.

stray (v.)
c. 1300, a shortening of Old French estraier "wander about, roam, drift, run loose," said of animals, especially a horse without a master, also of persons, perhaps literally "go about the streets," from estree "route, highway," from Late Latin via strata "paved road" (see street). On another theory, the Old French word is from Vulgar Latin *estragare, a contraction of *estravagare, representing Latin extra vagari "to wander outside" (see extravagant). Figurative sense of "to wander from the path of rectitude" is attested from early 14c. Related: Strayed; straying.
stray (n.)
"domestic animal found wandering," early 13c., from Anglo-French noun use of Old French estraié "strayed, riderless," past participle adjective from estraier "to roam, drift, run loose" (see stray (v.)).
stray (adj.)
c. 1600, of animals; 19c. of persons and things, from stray (n.) and in part a shortening of astray.
1. She shrugged a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.
2. An 8-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet.
3. Crews stray outside to film the view from the pavement.
4. The dog was a stray which had been adopted.
5. A stray dog came up to him.


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