
英 [ˈsʌf.rɪdʒ]      美 [ˈsʌf.rɪdʒ]
  • n. 选举权;投票;参政权;代祷;赞成票
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1. On another theory (Watkins, etc.) the second element is frangere itself and the notion is "use a broken piece of tile as a ballot".
suffrage 选举权,投票权

来自拉丁语 suffragium,投票,投票权,支持,来自 suffragari,投票,给予支持,来自 sub,在 下,向上,-frag,碎开,碎片,词源同 break,fragment.来自古希腊古罗马时期用碎瓦片碎骨片 投票的习俗。比较 ostracism,用碎骨片投票驱逐。

suffrage (n.)
late 14c., "intercessory prayers or pleas on behalf of another," from Old French sofrage "plea, intercession" (13c.) and directly from Medieval Latin suffragium, from Latin suffragium "support, ballot, vote; right of voting; a voting tablet," from suffragari "lend support, vote for someone," conjectured to be a compound of sub "under" (see sub-) + fragor "crash, din, shouts (as of approval)," related to frangere "to break" (see fraction). On another theory (Watkins, etc.) the second element is frangere itself and the notion is "use a broken piece of tile as a ballot" (compare ostracism). Meaning "a vote for or against anything" is from 1530s. The meaning "political right to vote" in English is first found in the U.S. Constitution, 1787.
1. She was active in the Society for Women's Suffrage.
2. The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance.
3. When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
4. He was an advocate of universal suffrage as a basis for social equality.
5. Between 1890 and 1930 the woman suffrage movement became exceedingly militant.



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