
英 [sɜːdʒ]      美 [sɝːdʒ]
  • n. 汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌
  • v. 汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来
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surge 涌动,浪涌,激增,飞涨

来自拉丁语 surgere,上升,升起,缩写自 surrigere,来自 sur-,在下,向上,regere,拉直,升直, 词源同 regulate,erect.引申词义涌动,浪涌,比喻义激增,飞涨。

surge: [15] Latin surgere meant literally ‘lead up from below’, hence ‘rise’ – it originated as a compound verb formed from the prefix sub- ‘up from below’ and regere ‘rule’, hence ‘lead’ (source of English regiment, region, etc). English acquired it via Old Spanish surgir and Old French sourgir, by which time it had taken on watery associations, of waves heaving. Surgere also produced English resource [17], resurrection [13], and source.
=> insurgent, rector, regiment, region, resource, resurrection, source
surge (n.)
late 15c., "fountain, stream," of uncertain origin, probably from Middle French sourge-, stem of sourdre "to rise, swell," from Latin surgere "to rise, arise, get up, mount up, ascend; attack," contraction of surrigere, from assimilated form of sub "up from below" (see sub-) + regere "to keep straight, guide" (see regal). Meaning "high, rolling swell of water" is from 1520s; figurative sense of "excited rising up" (as of feelings) is from 1510s.
surge (v.)
1510s, "to rise and fall," from surge (n.), or from Middle French surgir "rise, ride (as a ship does a wave), spring up, arrive." Meaning "rise high and roll forcefully" is from 1560s. Related: Surged; surging.
1. Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.
2. There has been a surge of UFO sightings in America.
3. In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood.
4. The whole car shuddered with an almost frightening surge of power.
5. A slow hatred for Hilton began to surge up in him.


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