
英 [swaɪp]      美 [swaɪp]
  • vt. 猛击;偷窃;刷…卡
  • n. 猛击;尖刻的话
  • vi. 猛打;大口喝酒
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1、sweep + wipe.
2. sweep => swipe: 打扫、打扫不就含有“打”字吗?所以很显然与“打”有关、打扫的动作本身就含有“打”的感觉。通过拍打物体、把其上的灰尘卷走。
swipe 重击,猛打,刷卡

可能来自 sweep 拼写变体,引申词义重击,猛打,以及刷磁卡,刷信用卡等。

swipe: see sweep
swipe (v.)
1825, "strike with a sweeping motion," from swipe (n.). The slang sense of "steal, pilfer" appeared 1885, American English; earliest use in prison jargon:
The blokes in the next cell, little Charley Ames and the Sheeney Kid, they was hot to try it, and swiped enough shoe-lining out of shop No. 5, where they worked, to make us all breeches to the stripes. ["Lippincott's Magazine," vol. 35, June 1885]
Meaning "run a credit card" is 1990s. Related: Swiped; swiper; swiping.
swipe (n.)
1807, "a driving stroke made with the arms in full swing," perhaps a dialectal variant of sweep (n.), or in part from obsolete swip "a stroke, blow" (c. 1200), from Proto-Germanic *swip-, related to Old English swipu "a stick, whip; chastisement." Other possible sources or influences are Middle English swope "to sweep with broad movements" (in reference to brooms, swords, etc.), from Old English swapan; obsolete swaip "stroke, blow;" or obsolete swape "oar, pole."
1. He took a swipe at Andrew that deposited him on the floor.
2. Swipe your card through the phone, then dial.
3. Access to the building is by swipe card only.
4. The article takes a side swipe at the teachers.
5. She took a playful swipe at her brother.


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