
英 [ˈθrəʊ.ə.weɪ]      美 [ˈθroʊ.ə.weɪ]
  • n. 废品;广告传单;脱口而出的话
  • adj. 抛弃型的;脱口而出的;漫不经心的
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throwaway (adj.)
also throw-away, 1901 in reference to very low prices; by 1903 in reference to printed material meant to be read once then tossed, and to wasted votes; with reference to disposable consumer goods, attested from 1969. From the verbal phrase, attested from late 14c. in the sense "reject, cast from oneself," from throw (v.) + away (adv.). More literal meaning of "dispose of as useless, release from one's possession as unneeded" is first recorded 1520s. Throw-away society attested from 1967.
1. Now they are producing throwaway razors.
2. She was very upset at what to him was just a throwaway remark.
3. Some people overreacted to what was only a throwaway remark.
4. The humour and throwaway lines ensure that the piece never loses its pace.
5. It used to be associated with sub - standard movies and throwaway plastic glasses.
3D立体 影片曾与 低档 电影和一次性塑料眼镜联系在一起.


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