1809, from Tom + cat (n.); probably influenced by Tom the Cat in the popular children's book "The Life and Adventures of a Cat" (1760); replaced earlier Gib-cat, from diminutive of Gilbert, though Tom was applied to male kittens c. 1300. The name also is used of the males of other beasts and birds since at least 1791 (such as tom-turkey, by 1846). Also see Tibert. The verb meaning "to pursue women promiscuously for sexual gratification" is recorded from 1927. Related: Tom-catting.
1. At last, presents the main technical character of the system , realizing Tomcat + Apache server.
最后对该网站设计的主要技术特色:Tomcat+Apache 服务器技术做了详细介绍.
2. Client service running on Apaches Tomcat server.
3. The tomcat has been chasing the beautiful white female cat.
4. The old lady lives alone, only one Tomcat with her life.