
英 [tɔːˈneɪ.dəʊ]      美 [tɔːrˈneɪ.doʊ]
  • n. [气象] 龙卷风;旋风;暴风;大雷雨
  • n. (Tornado)人名;(西)托纳多
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1. 把经过的东西撕(tear -> torn)的乱七八糟.
2. turn => torn- + -ado => tornado.
tornado 龙卷风,旋风,雷暴

来自西班牙语 tronada,雷暴,来自 tronar,打雷,来自拉丁语 tonare,打雷,词源同 thunder,Thor. 拼写和词义可能受到拉丁语 tornare 影响,来自 tornare,扭曲,转动,词源同 turn.引申词义龙 卷风,旋风。

tornado: [16] Tornado appears to denote etymologically something that ‘turns’, but this is due to a piece of English folk-etymologizing. Its actual source is Spanish tronada ‘thunderstorm’, a derivative of the verb tronar ‘thunder’ (which in turn went back to Latin tonāre ‘thunder’, source of English astonish, detonate, etc). It was at first used in English for a ‘violent thunderstorm’, but confusion with Spanish tornado ‘turned’ had converted tronada into tornado, and as early as the 1620s we find it being applied to a ‘whirlwind’.
=> thunder
tornado (n.)
1550s, ternado, navigator's word for violent windy thunderstorm in the tropical Atlantic, probably a mangled borrowing from Spanish tronada "thunderstorm," from tronar "to thunder," from Latin tonare "to thunder" (see thunder (n.)). Also in 17c. spelled tornatho, tornathe, turnado; modern spelling by 1620s. Metathesis of -o- and -r- in modern spelling influenced by Spanish tornar "to twist, turn," from Latin tornare "to turn." Meaning "extremely violent whirlwind" is first found 1620s; specifically "destructive rotary funnel cloud" (especially in the U.S. Midwest) from 1849. Related: Tornadic.
1. The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois.
2. A tornado whirled into the town last week.
3. The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.
4. The Tornado jet fighter - bomber has two air intakes.
5. Tornado API is discussed in detail.



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