
英 [tɔːk]      美 [tɔːrk]
  • n. 转矩,[力] 扭矩;项圈,金属领圈
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torque 旋转力,机器等的转矩

来自拉丁语 torquere,扭曲,扭转,折磨,来自 PIE*terkw,扭曲,进一步来自 PIE*ter,弯,转, 转动,词源同 turn,throw.后用于工程学术语指旋转力,机器等的转矩。

torque (n.)
"rotating force," 1882, from Latin torquere "to twist, turn, turn about, twist awry, distort, torture," from PIE *torkw-eyo-, causative of *terkw- "to twist" (see thwart (adv.)). The word also is used (since 1834) by antiquarians and others as a term for the twisted metal necklace worn anciently by Gauls, Britons, Germans, etc., from Latin torques "collar of twisted metal," from torquere. Earlier it had been called in English torques (1690s). Torque-wrench is from 1941.
torque (v.)
1570s (implied in torqued "twisted"), from torque (n.).
1. This fundamental torque that's in attention.
这是注意力(attention) 的基本扭矩(torque).
2. The magnetic field of the earth creates a torque around the pivot.
3. The error torques include mass unbalances, compliances, bias torque, etc.
误差力矩包括质量不平衡, 柔性, 偏置力短, 等等.
4. The pendulum - torque type of erector is extensively employed on gyro verticals.
5. The torque of the couple is intimately associated with a couple.



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