
英 [trəˈvɜːs]      美 [trəˈvɝːs]
  • n. 穿过;横贯;横木
  • vt. 穿过;反对;详细研究;在…来回移动
  • vi. 横越;旋转;来回移动
  • adj. 横贯的
  • n. (Traverse)人名;(英)特拉弗斯;(法)特拉韦尔斯
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1、tra- "across" + vers- + -e.
2、字面含义:turn across, turned or directed across, lying across. => pass across, over, or through.
3、该词源于transverse. transverse => traverse.
4、横亘、横贯在什么之上(lying across),引申为:妨碍,阻止;在此基础上进一步引申为:反对,否认,否定;反驳;抗辩。
traverse 横穿,横渡

tra-,横穿,穿过,-vers,转,词源同 converse,versus.

traverse (v.)
early 14c., "pass across, over, or through," from Old French traverser "to cross, place across" (11c.), from Vulgar Latin *traversare, from Latin transversare "to cross, throw across," from Latin transversus "turn across" (see transverse). As an adjective from early 15c. Related: Traversed; traversing.
traverse (n.)
"act of passing through a gate, crossing a bridge, etc.," mid-14c., from Old French travers, from traverser (see traverse (v.)). Meaning "a passage by which one may traverse" is recorded from 1670s. Military fortification sense of "barrier, barricade" is recorded from 1590s.
1. I have no intention to traverse that ground in my present lecture.
2. We traverse the desert by truck.
3. He cut his teeth in the sixties as director of Edinburgh's Traverse Theatre.
4. But can you traverse the stream?
可是,你能闯过那车的洪流、人的洪流 吗 ?
5. In a traverse, afternoon reciprocal angles should be easy to arrange.
在导线测量中, 下午对向观测垂直角应该是容易安排的.


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