
英 [wentʃ]      美 [wentʃ]
  • n. 少妇;乡下姑娘
  • vi. 通奸
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wench 少妇,少女


wench (n.)
late 13c., wenche "girl, young woman," especially if unmarried, also "female infant," shortened from wenchel "child," also in Middle English "girl, maiden," from Old English wencel, probably related to wancol "unsteady, fickle, weak," from Proto-Germanic *wankila- (cognates: Old Norse vakr "child, weak person," Old High German wanchal "fickle"), from PIE *weng- "to bend, curve" (see wink (v.)).
The wenche is nat dead, but slepith. [Wyclif, Matt. ix:24, c. 1380]
In Middle English occasionally with disparaging suggestion, and secondary sense of "concubine, strumpet" is attested by mid-14c. Also "serving-maid, bondwoman, young woman of a humble class" (late 14c.), a sense retained in the 19c. U.S. South in reference to slave women of any age. In Shakespeare's day a female flax-worker could be a flax-wench, flax-wife, or flax-woman.
wench (v.)
"to associate with common women," 1590s, from wench (n.). Related: Wenched; wencher; wenching.
1. Scarlett dropped Prissy's arm and the wench sank whimpering to the steps.
2. Bought her and her little wench, Prissy.
3. How can you know, wench? Facts bear strong against him.
你怎么会知道呢, 姑娘? 事实证明对他非常不利.
4. Where is that simple - minded little wench?
5. She was no sooner gone but comes a wench and a child, puffing and sweating.
她刚一走开,立刻就来了一个姑娘同一个小孩, 喘着气,流着汗.



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