
英 [wɪʃ]      美 [wɪʃ]
  • n. 希望;祝福;心愿
  • vt. 祝愿;渴望;向…致问候语
  • vi. 愿望;需要
  • n. (Wish)人名;(英)威什
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wish 希望


wish: [OE] Wish comes from a prehistoric Germanic *wunskjan, which also produced German wünschen, Swedish önska, and Danish ønske. Its ultimate ancestor is the Indo-European base *wun-, *wen-, *won-, source also of English wean, ween ‘think, suppose’ [OE] (now archaic except in the derivative overweening [14]), the win- of winsome [OE], and wont ‘accustomed’, and of German wonne ‘joy’.
=> overweening, wean, winsome, wont
wish (v.)
Old English wyscan "to wish, cherish a desire," from Proto-Germanic *wunsk- (cognates: Old Norse œskja, Danish ønske, Swedish önska, Middle Dutch wonscen, Dutch wensen, Old High German wunsken, German wunschen "to wish"), from PIE *wen- (1) "to strive after, wish, desire, be satisfied" (cognates: Sanskrit vanati "he desires, loves, wins," Latin venus "love, sexual desire, loveliness," venerari "to worship;" see Venus). Related: Wished; wishing. Wishing well as an enchanted water hole attested by 1819.
wish (n.)
early 14c., "act of wishing," also "what one wishes for," from wish (v.). Cognate with Old Norse osk, Middle Dutch wonsc, Dutch wens, Old High German wunsc, German Wunsch "a wish." Wish fulfillment (1901) translates German wunscherfüllung (Freud, "Die Traumdeutung," 1900).
1. "I wish I had a little brother," said Daphne wistfully.
2. They have no wish for any change in the status quo.
3. I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas.
4. I wish I knew how to turn on the heating.
5. I wish to point out your misrepresentation of the facts.


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