
英 [əˈkjuː.zər]      美 [əˈkjuː.zɚ]
  • n. 原告;控告者;指责者
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1. She blench ed before her accuser.
2. According to the law, the accuser, the accused, and the judge were each allowed to talk for the same length of time.
按照法律, 每一原告 、 被告及法官都准许有等长的时间发言.
3. Accuser: No, he calls himself the Son of God!
原告: 不, 他称自己为神的儿子!
4. Accuser a young woman, the accused a middleaged man, they are neighbour.
原告是个年轻女子, 被告是个中年男人, 他们是邻居.
5. Yesterday, reporter atpoint the problem interviewed accuser Huang to get a lawyer.
昨日, 记者就此问题采访了原告黄维领律师.


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