
英 [əˈpend]      美 [əˈpend]
  • vt. 附加;贴上;盖章
  • n. 设置数据文件的搜索路径
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联想记忆法:“append”可以联想为“app + end”,想象你有一个“app”应用程序,你把它“end”在另一个文件的末尾,就像是添加(append)了一个新功能或者内容到文件中。这样的联想可以帮助你记住这个单词的含义。

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append 附加

前缀ap-同ad-. 词根pend, 悬挂,见pendulum, 钟摆。

append (v.)
late 14c., "to belong to as a possession or right," from Old French apendre (13c.) belong, be dependent (on); attach (oneself) to; hang, hang up," and directly from Latin appendere "to cause to hang (from something), weigh," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + pendere "hang" (see pendant).

Meaning "to hang on, attach as a pendant" is 1640s; that of "attach as an appendix" is recorded by 1843. OED says the original word was obsolete by c. 1500, and these later transitive senses represent a reborrowing from Latin or French. Related: Appended; appending.
1. Note: Use APPEND to avoid deleting the existing content of the file.
注意: 使用APPEND避免删除文件的现存内容.
2. Organisers may amend or append the terms and conditions without prior notification.
3. Append content to the inside of every matched element.
4. Failed to append to the table -- Out of memory.
无法向表格中新增记录 —— 内存不足.
5. Smiley, as requested to do, and I hereunto append the result.
这件受人之托的事究竟结果如何, 我来做个交代.



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