英 [ˈæv.ə.tɑːr]
美 [ˈæv.ə.tɑːr]
将“avatar”想象为一个“我”的“像”(avatar = “我”的“像”),就像在虚拟世界中代表自己的一个形象。通过这个形象的比喻,你可以记住“avatar”是代表或体现某个人的虚拟形象或化身。
以上内容由AI生成, 仅供参考和借鉴
avatar 阿凡达,化身来自印度语。PIE *ava, 下来。*tere, 穿过,同through. 原指印度主神Vishnu 化身凡人到人间帮助人们化解灾难,根据印度教所描述,佛祖释迦弁尼就是Vishnu的第九个化身,当Vishnu到第十个化身时,则是世界毁灭,人间重建之日。
- avatar (n.)
- 1784, "descent of a Hindu deity," from Sanskrit avatarana "descent" (of a deity to the earth in incarnate form), from ava- "off, down" (from PIE *au- (2) "off, away") + base of tarati "(he) crosses over," from PIE root *tere- (2) "to cross over" (see through). In computer use, it seems to trace to the novel "Snowcrash" (1992) by Neal Stephenson.
- 1. This avatar is fully equipped to deal with prison riots and other rebellions.
- 这个化身足够对付监狱暴乱和其它叛乱.
- 2. When you double - click an item, it'll appear on your avatar instantly.
- 当您双击一个物品时, 它会即时出现在您的化身上.
- 3. Last, we introduce an application systems developed with avatar techniques.
- 最后, 本文介绍包含虚拟人技术的应用系统:团体操演练系统.
- 4. Also, in an avatar - based virtual world, you're controlling a character.
- 同时, 在以虚拟化身为基础的虚拟世界, 你在控制角色.
- 5. Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge.
- 班那哈罗是猛兽狂怒的极致化身.