
英 [ˈæv.ə.tɑːr]      美 [ˈæv.ə.tɑːr]
  • n. 电影《阿凡达》
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将“avatar”想象为一个“我”的“像”(avatar = “我”的“像”),就像在虚拟世界中代表自己的一个形象。通过这个形象的比喻,你可以记住“avatar”是代表或体现某个人的虚拟形象或化身。

以上内容由AI生成, 仅供参考和借鉴

avatar 阿凡达,化身

来自印度语。PIE *ava, 下来。*tere, 穿过,同through. 原指印度主神Vishnu 化身凡人到人间帮助人们化解灾难,根据印度教所描述,佛祖释迦弁尼就是Vishnu的第九个化身,当Vishnu到第十个化身时,则是世界毁灭,人间重建之日。

avatar (n.)
1784, "descent of a Hindu deity," from Sanskrit avatarana "descent" (of a deity to the earth in incarnate form), from ava- "off, down" (from PIE *au- (2) "off, away") + base of tarati "(he) crosses over," from PIE root *tere- (2) "to cross over" (see through). In computer use, it seems to trace to the novel "Snowcrash" (1992) by Neal Stephenson.
1. This avatar is fully equipped to deal with prison riots and other rebellions.
2. When you double - click an item, it'll appear on your avatar instantly.
当您双击一个物品时, 它会即时出现在您的化身上.
3. Last, we introduce an application systems developed with avatar techniques.
最后, 本文介绍包含虚拟人技术的应用系统:团体操演练系统.
4. Also, in an avatar - based virtual world, you're controlling a character.
同时, 在以虚拟化身为基础的虚拟世界, 你在控制角色.
5. Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge.



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