
英 [bɪlk]      美 [bɪlk]
  • vt. 欺骗,诈骗;使受挫折;赖帐
  • n. 诈骗;骗子;赖帐
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bilk 欺骗


bilk (v.)
1650s, from or along with the noun (1630s), first used as a cribbage term; as a verb, "to spoil (someone's) score." Origin obscure, it was believed in 17c. to be "a word signifying nothing;" perhaps it s a thinned form of balk "to hinder." Meaning "to defraud" is first recorded 1670s. Related: Bilked; bilking.
1. Labor is all societies bilk the foundation with existence and development.
2. Absolutely cheater, have the suspicion of bilk, the proposal calls the police.
绝对的骗子, 有诈骗的嫌疑, 建议报警.
3. City police expresses east, current, network bilk case and photograph comparing in ascendant trend last year.
东城警方表示, 目前, 网络诈骗案件与去年相比处于上升趋势.
4. The bilk activity that uses Internet to undertake emerges in endlessly, pattern face - lifting is ceaseless.
利用互联网进行的诈骗活动层出不穷, 花样翻新不断.


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