
英 [kwɪər]      美 [kwɪr]
  • adj. 奇怪的;同性恋的;不舒服的;心智不平衡的
  • vt. 搞糟;使陷于不利地位
  • n. 同性恋者;怪人;伪造的货币
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queer (奇呀!)奇怪的
2. 谐音“龟儿、怪儿”-----这龟儿子真他妈奇怪。
3. 发音想成“诡异啊、奇异啊、怪异啊” 。
4. que缺,er耳:缺了一个耳朵-古怪的。
5. 同性恋当然是很诡异、奇异啦,简直就是奇葩。
6. queer quirk.
7. “酷儿”(Queer)由英文音译而来,原是西方主流文化对同性恋的贬称,有“怪异”之意,后被性的激进派借用来概括他们的理论,含反讽之意。
queer 奇怪的,同性恋

来自德语quer,奇怪的,变态的,来自PIE*terkw,弯,转,词源同turn,torque.比喻用法,引申 词义同性恋。字母t,q 音变,比较quarter,tetragram.

queer: [16] Queer was probably borrowed from German quer ‘across, oblique’, hence ‘perverse’. This went back to a prehistoric Indo- European *twerk-, which also produced English thwart and Latin torquēre ‘twist’ (source of English torch, torture, etc).
=> thwart, torch, torment, tort, torture
queer (adj.)
c. 1500, "strange, peculiar, eccentric," from Scottish, perhaps from Low German (Brunswick dialect) queer "oblique, off-center," related to German quer "oblique, perverse, odd," from Old High German twerh "oblique," from PIE root *terkw- "to turn, twist, wind" (see thwart (adv.)).

Sense of "homosexual" first recorded 1922; the noun in this sense is 1935, from the adjective. Related: Queerly. Queer studies as an academic discipline attested from 1994.
queer (v.)
"to spoil, ruin," 1812, from queer (adj.). Related: Queered; queering. Earlier it meant "to puzzle, ridicule, cheat" (1790). To queer the pitch (1846) is in reference to the patter of an itinerant tradesman or showman (see pitch (n.1)).
These wanderers, and those who are still seen occasionally in the back streets of the metropolis, are said to 'go a-pitching ;' the spot they select for their performance is their 'pitch,' and any interruption of their feats, such as an accident, or the interference of a policeman, is said to 'queer the pitch,'--in other words, to spoil it. [Thomas Frost, "Circus Life and Circus Celebrities," London, 1875]
1. " Queer " is the word often used euphemistically for " mad ".
Queer ” 这个词常用作 “ mad ” 的委婉语.
2. I could not help but think this is a very queer life.
3. His face was a queer pink colour.
4. What a queer story!
5. I heard some queer footsteps.


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