
英 [bɒɡ]      美 [bɑːɡ]
  • n. 沼泽;泥塘
  • vt. 使陷于泥沼;使动弹不得
  • vi. 陷于泥沼;动弹不得
  • n. (Bog)人名;(德、挪)博格
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bog 沼泽

词源同bow, 弯。形容沼泽软泥般的容易陷进去。

bog: [13] Bog is of Gaelic origin. It comes from bogach ‘bog’, which was a derivative of the adjective bog ‘soft’. A possible link between Gaelic bog and Old English būgan ‘bend’ (source of modern English bow) has been suggested. The British slang use ‘lavatory’, which dates from the 18th century, appears to be short for the slightly earlier bog-house, which may have been an alteration of the 16th-century boggard – quite possibly completely unrelated to bog ‘swamp’.
bog (n.)
c. 1500, from Gaelic and Irish bogach "bog," from adjective bog "soft, moist," from PIE *bhugh-, from root *bheugh- "to bend" (see bow (v.)). Bog-trotter applied to the wild Irish from 1670s.
bog (v.)
"to sink (something or someone) in a bog," c. 1600, from bog (n.). Intransitive use from c. 1800. Related: Bogged; bogging.
1. "The Bodyguard" is a fairly bog-standard thriller.
2. Don't walk across that field, it's a bog.
不要穿过那片野地, 那是个烂泥潭.
3. You think to be detailed, seeing my data, pleasing see the web page of BOG.
你们想详细, 看到我的资料, 请看bog网页.
4. We intended from the very beginning to bog the prosecution down over who did this.
5. This storm will bog all the cars down in the mud .


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