
英 [bəʊl]      美 [boʊl]
  • n. [林] 树干;红玄武土
  • n. (Bole)人名;(法)博勒;(塞)博莱;(斐)姆博莱;(英)博尔
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bole 树干

来自PIE *bhel, 膨胀,生长。词源同ball.

bole (n.)
early 14c., from Old Norse bolr "tree trunk," from Proto-Germanic *bulas (cognates: Middle Dutch bolle "trunk of a tree"), from PIE *bhel- (2) "to blow, inflate, swell" (cognates: Greek phyllon "leaf," phallos "swollen penis;" Latin flos "flower," florere "to blossom, flourish," folium "leaf;" Old Prussian balsinis "cushion;" Old Norse belgr "bag, bellows;" Old English bolla "pot, cup, bowl;" Old Irish bolgaim "I swell," blath "blossom, flower," bolach "pimple," bolg "bag;" Breton bolc'h "flax pod;" Serbian buljiti "to stare, be bug-eyed;" Serbo-Croatian blazina "pillow").
1. A climber goes up the bole, attaches the rope near the top.
攀登者达到树干, 把绳子拴到在靠近顶端处.
2. The detonator must be correctly fed into the drill bole during charging work.
3. Raging fire perform bole in legend in some parks!
4. Such horses are common , but a Bole is rare.
千里马常有, 而伯乐不常有.
5. Would you ask Noah Webster to play Bole?
会让毕加索去玩画图猜词游戏 吗 ?



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