
英 [breɪd]      美 [breɪd]
  • vt. 编织
  • n. 辫子;穗带;发辫
  • n. (Braid)人名;(英)布雷德
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braid 穗带

来自zero-grade 词根br, 明亮的,照耀的,词源同bright. 原指编织穗带使人眼花缭乱的动作,后指穗带。

braid: [OE] The ultimate source of braid was West and North Germanic *bregthan, whose underlying meaning was probably ‘make sudden jerky movements from side to side’. This was carried through into Old English bregdan, but had largely died out by the 16th century. However, ‘making swift side-to-side movements’ had early developed a special application to the intertwining of strands or threads, and it is this ‘plaiting’ sense which has survived. The Germanic base *bregth- was also the ultimate source of bridle, but the superficially similar embroider had a different origin.
=> bridle, upbraid
braid (v.)
"to plait, knit, weave, twist together," c. 1200, breidan, from Old English bregdan "to move quickly, pull, shake, swing, throw (in wrestling), draw (a sword); bend, weave, knit, join together; change color, vary; scheme, feign, pretend" (class III strong verb, past tense brægd, past participle brogden), from Proto-Germanic *bregthan "make sudden jerky movements from side to side" (compare Old Norse bregða "to brandish, turn about, braid;" Old Saxon bregdan "to weave;" Dutch breien "to knit;" Old High German brettan "to draw, weave, braid"), from PIE root *bherek- "to gleam, flash" (compare Sanskrit bhrasate "flames, blazes, shines"). In English the verb survives only in the narrow definition of "plait hair." Related: Braided; braiding.
braid (n.)
in part from stem found in Old English gebrægd "craft, fraud," gebregd "commotion," Old Norse bragð "deed, trick," and in part from or influenced by related braid (v.). Earliest senses are "a deceit, stratagem, trick" (c. 1200), "sudden or quick movement" (c. 1300); meaning "anything plaited or entwined" (especially hair) is from 1520s.
1. Use pins to keep the braid in place as you work.
2. She wore her hair in a long braid.
3. The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
4. The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
5. She laced strands into a braid.



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