
英 [ˈbʌb.əl]      美 [ˈbʌb.əl]
  • n. 气泡,泡沫,泡状物;透明圆形罩,圆形顶
  • vi. 沸腾,冒泡;发出气泡声
  • vt. 使冒泡;滔滔不绝地说
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1. 区别:bubble, babble.
2. babble 是由拟声词根*ba-(模拟小孩咿哑学语言的声音)演变而来,由此两个词就区分开了。
3. bubble 也应该是拟声词,由*bo-(对应汉语为:啵,啵;就是模拟吹气泡发出的声音)拟声词根演变而来,然后元音降级(-o- => -u-)而得。
bubble 泡沫


bubble: [14] Several Germanic languages have words that sound like, and mean the same as, bubble – Swedish bubla, for instance, and Dutch bobbel – but all are relatively modern, and there is no evidence to link them to a common source. As likely as not, the whole family of bubble words represents ultimately an attempt to lexicalize the sound of bubbling, by blowing through nearly closed lips.
bubble (n.)
early 14c., perhaps from Middle Dutch bobbel (n.) and/or Middle Low German bubbeln (v.), all probably of echoic origin. Bubble bath first recorded 1949. Of financial schemes originally in South Sea Bubble (1590s), on notion of "fragile and insubstantial."
bubble (v.)
mid-15c., perhaps from bubble (n.) and/or from Middle Low German bubbeln (v.), probably of echoic origin. Related: Bubbled; bubbling.
1. As she spoke she felt a bubble of optimism rising inside her.
2. a bubble of oxygen
3. News of the defeat quickly burst the bubble of our self - confidence .
失败的消息使我们的 自信心 迅速破灭了.
4. The bubble has burst.
5. The bombing plane bristled with machine - gun bubble s.


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