
英 [ˌkɒn.vəˈles]      美 [ˌkɑːn.vəˈles]
  • vi. 渐愈;渐渐康复
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1、con- "intensive prefix" + val- + -esc- + -e.
2、字面含义:begin to grow strong.
convalesce 逐步康复

con-, 强调。-val, 强健,强壮,词源同value, valiant. -esce, 表起始。

convalesce: [15] Latin valēre meant ‘be strong or healthy’ (from it English gets valiant, valid, valour, and value). Derived from it was valēscere ‘grow strong’, which, with the addition of the intensive prefix com- produced convalēscere, source of English convalesce. It was quite a commonly used word in Scottish English from earliest times, but does not seem to have established itself south of the border until the 19th century.
=> valiant, valid, valour, value
convalesce (v.)
late 15c., from Latin convalescere "thrive, regain health," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + valescere "to begin to grow strong," inchoative of valere "to be strong" (see valiant). Only in Caxton and Scottish writers until 19c. Related: Convalesced; convalescing.
1. She went to the seaside to convalesce after her stay in hospital.
2. Convalescent people are comparatively sensitive when they convalesce in a new surrounding.
3. Results All cases of convalesce leaves the hospital.
4. Carter expressed that he accepted surgery's ankle area already to convalesce, he will undertake leader's responsibility.
卡特表示这是他的职责, 他要通过行动让队友感受到他对胜利的渴望.
5. Conclusion Correct rehabilitated nursing and discharging guide contribute to patients'convalesce and improvement of live quality.



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