
英 [ˈdeɪ.zi]      美 [ˈdeɪ.zi]
  • n. 雏菊;菊科植物;极好的东西
  • adj. 极好的;上等的
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1. daisy 是由 day's eye 缩略而成的单词。
2. 因为雏菊日落而合,日出而开,就像就像夜晚闭合,早晨睁开的一只眼睛。
daisy 雏菊

来自短语day’s eye. 因这种花朝开暮合而得名。

daisy: [OE] The Anglo-Saxons named this familiar flower dæges ēage, literally ‘day’s eye’, from the fact that some species open in daylight hours to reveal their yellow disc, and close again at dusk. (The medieval Latin name for the daisy was solis oculus ‘sun’s eye’.)
=> day, eye
daisy (n.)
Old English dægesege, from dæges eage "day's eye," because the petals open at dawn and close at dusk. (See day (n.) + eye (n.)). In Medieval Latin it was solis oculus "sun's eye." As a female proper name said to have been originally a pet form of Margaret (q.v.).

Daisy-cutter first attested 1791, originally of horses that trot with low steps; later of cricket (1889) and baseball hits that skim along the ground. Daisy-chain in the "group sex" sense is attested from 1941. Pushing up daisies "dead" is attested from 1918, but variants with the same meaning go back to 1842.
1. Daisy strode alongside her, breathing heavily but keeping pace.
2. Daisy called her daffy, but goodhearted.
3. "Listen," said Daisy, digging into her oatmeal.
4. a daisy wheel printer
5. This fruit was picked only yesterday, it's as fresh as a daisy.


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