
英 [deɪˈbɑː.kəl]      美 [dɪˈbɑː.kəl]
  • n. 崩溃;灾害;解冻
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1. de- + -bacle "to bar" => debacle "unbar, free".
2. bacillus, bacteria => Latin baculum "stick" => debacle.
3. "downfall, collapse, disaster", a figurative use, literally "breaking up (of ice on a river)," extended to the violent flood that follows when the river ice melts in spring.
4. 谐音“堤坝垮了”。
debacle 崩溃

de-, 不,非,使相反。 -bacle, 杆,棍,支撑,词源同 bachelor, bacteria.即移除支撑,引申义崩溃。

débâcle: [19] A débâcle is etymologically an ‘act of unbarring’, the notion behind it being that once a restraining bar is removed, a rush of disasters follows. It was borrowed at the start of the 19th century (originally in the technical geological sense of a ‘sudden violent surge of water in a river’) from French, where it was a derivative of débâcler, a verb formed from - ‘de-, un-’ and bâcler ‘bar’. This was acquired from Provençal baclar ‘bar a door’, which came from medieval Latin *bacculāre, a derivative of Latin bacculus ‘stick’ (responsible also for English bacillus and bacterium).
=> bacillus, bacterium
debacle (n.)
"disaster," 1848, from French débâcle "downfall, collapse, disaster" (17c.), a figurative use, literally "breaking up (of ice on a river)," extended to the violent flood that follows when the river ice melts in spring; from débâcler "to free," from Middle French desbacler "to unbar," from des- "off" + bacler "to bar," from Vulgar Latin *bacculare, from Latin baculum "stick" (see bacillus). Sense of "disaster" was present in French before English borrowed the word.
1. Many men were shot or captured in the debacle.
2. The Argentine debacle has important lessons to teach.
3. After the debacle of the war the world was never the same again.
4. His first performance was a debacle : the audience booed him off the stage.
他的首场演出 一败涂地,观众发出嘘声把他轰下了台.
5. The convention was a debacle.


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