
英 [ˈslɔː.tər]      美 [ˈslɑː.t̬ɚ]
  • vt. 屠宰,屠杀;杀戮;使惨败
  • n. 屠宰,屠杀;杀戮;消灭
  • n. (Slaughter)人名;(英)斯劳特
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1. slay => slaught- => slaughter.
2. slaughter―― 死+ 狂笑+人. 想想日本鬼子边杀人边笑的感觉.在大屠杀 vt.&n.屠杀,  屠宰
3. 词源:slay-屠杀,联想:sl-死拉死拉地,整词谐音“死老多”
slaughter 屠宰,宰杀,屠杀

来自 slay,屠宰,宰杀,-ghter,名词后缀,比较 laughter.引申比喻义屠杀。

slaughter: [13] Slaughter was borrowed from Old Norse *slahtr, which went back to the same prehistoric Germanic base (*slakh- ‘strike’) that produced English slay. Old English appears to have had its own version of the word, *slæht, which survived into the 17th century as slaught. This forms the second syllable of onslaught [17], where it replaced the -slag in the borrowing from Middle Dutch aenslag (literally ‘onstriking’).
=> onslaught, slay
slaughter (n.)
c. 1300, "killing of a cattle or sheep for food, killing of a person," from a Scandinavian *slahtr, akin to Old Norse slatr "a butchering, butcher meat," slatra "to slaughter," slattr "a mowing" from Proto-Germanic *slukhtis, related to Old Norse sla "to strike" (see slay (v.)) + formative suffix (as in laugh/laughter). Meaning "killing of a large number of persons in battle" is attested from mid-14c. Old English had slieht "stroke, slaughter, murder, death; animals for slaughter;" as in sliehtswyn "pig for killing."
slaughter (v.)
1530s, "butcher an animal for market," from slaughter (n.). Meaning "slay wantonly, ruthlessly, or in great numbers" is from 1580s. Related: Slaughtered; slaughtering.
1. The annual slaughter of wildlife in Italy is horrific.
2. The barbaric slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.
3. We follow their every word like lambs to the slaughter.
4. The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.
5. The cattle are being fattened for slaughter.


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