
英 [ˈden.ɪ.zən]      美 [ˈden.ə.zən]
  • vt. 给…居住权;移植
  • n. 居民;外来语;外籍居民
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1. 谐音“待里人、代理人、带来人”。
2. citizen => denizen.
3. Etymologically, denizen means 'someone who is inside'.
4. deni- 谐音“待里”。
5. dENiZEN的本意是指“住民”,或者一个生活圈。他们组成一个集体至上的群体。名字中的Denim即是品牌的核心,意为“牛仔布”。我们生活在年轻人的时代,号召他们集体型动,共同追求热情,以标新立异来盛赞生活。
denizen 居民,常客

来自拉丁语deintus, de-, 从,来自,向下,-intus, 里面,词源同in. 即来自里面的,用于指居民,常客。

denizen: [15] Etymologically, denizen means ‘someone who is inside’, and it is related to French dans ‘in’. It comes from Anglo-Norman deinzein, a derivative of Old French deinz ‘inside’. This had grown out of the Latin phrase dē intus, literally ‘from inside’. Hence denizen’s original meaning of someone who lives ‘in’ a country, as opposed to a foreigner. In the 16th and 17th centuries the verb denize existed, coined by back-formation from denizen; it meant roughly the same as modern English naturalize.
denizen (n.)
early 15c., from Anglo-French deinzein, from deinz "within, inside," from Late Latin deintus, from de- "from" + intus "within" (see ento-). Historically, an alien admitted to certain rights of citizenship; a naturalized citizen.
1. In this country children of denizen go to school free.
2. Fish are denizen of the sea.
3. Denizen will initially be targeted at consumers in China, Singapore, South Korea, and eventually India.
Denizen最初将面向中国 、 新加坡 、 韩国以及最终印度的消费者.
4. He's quite a character around New York -- a denizen of Broadway. "
他在纽约是个人物 —— 百老汇的地头蛇. ”
5. His greatest danger now lies in the unknown denizen of the water.



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