
英 [dɪˈpɑːt]      美 [dɪˈpɑːrt]
  • vi. 离开;出发,起程;违反;去世
  • adj. 逝世的
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de-(前缀)表示“离开”;part(英文)部分 de和part一起表示“离开”。

depart 离开

de-, 向下,离开。part, 分开,部分。即离开,分开。

depart: [13] Depart originally meant ‘divide’. This was the sense of its ultimate Latin ancestor dispertīre, literally ‘separate up into constituent parts’, a compound verb formed from the prefix dis-, denoting separation, and partīre ‘divide, distribute’, a derivative of the noun pars ‘part’. It passed into English via Vulgar Latin *dēpartīre and Old French departir, by which time the notions of ‘division’ and ‘separation’ had already produced the intransitive sense ‘go away’.
=> part
depart (v.)
mid-13c., "part from each other," from Old French departir (10c.) "to divide, distribute; separate (oneself), depart; die," from Late Latin departire "divide" (transitive), from de- "from" (see de-) + partire "to part, divide," from pars (genitive partis) "a part" (see part (n.)).

As a euphemism for "to die" (to depart this life; compare Old French departir de cest siecle) it is attested from c. 1500, as is the departed for "the dead," singly or collectively. Transitive lingers in some English usages; the wedding service was till death us depart until 1662. Related: Departed; departing.
1. My connecting plane didn't depart for another six hours.
2. Lipton is planning to depart from the company he founded.
3. We do depart for Wales on the morrow.
4. Flights for Rome depart from Terminal 3.
5. We must needs depart.


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