
英 [kwɪt]      美 [kwɪt]
  • vt. 离开;放弃;停止;使…解除
  • vi. 离开;辞职;停止
  • n. 离开;[计] 退出
  • adj. 摆脱了…的;已经了结的
  • n. (Quit)人名;(英)奎特
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quit 离开,离职

来自拉丁语quietus,安静的,平和的,词源同quite.引申词义免于干扰,免于麻烦,后用于指 自由的,释放的,结清债务的。并引申动词词义离开,离职等。比较acquit,requite.

quit: [13] Quit comes from the same ultimate source as quiet – Latin quiētus. This originally meant simply ‘quiet, calm’, but in medieval Latin it developed a wider range of senses, including ‘unharmed’ and ‘free’. From it was derived the verb quiētāre ‘set free, discharge’, which reached English via Old French quiter. The derived forms acquit and requite [16] come from the same source, and quite is essentially the same word as quit.
=> quiet
quit (v.)
c. 1200, "to repay, discharge" (a debt, etc.), from Old French quiter "clear, establish one's innocence;" also transitive, "release, let go, relinquish, abandon" (12c.), from quite (see quit (adj.)).

Meaning "to reward, give reward" is mid-13c., that of "take revenge; to answer, retort" and "to acquit oneself" are late 14c. From c. 1300 as "to acquit (of a charge), declare not guilty." Sense of "leave, depart" is attested from c. 1400; that of "stop" (doing something) is from 1640s. Meaning "to give up, relinquish" is from mid-15c. Related: Quitted; quitting. Quitting time is from 1835.
quit (adj.)
c. 1200, "free, clear" (of debt, etc.), from Old French quite, quitte "free, clear, entire, at liberty; discharged; unmarried," from Medieval Latin quitus, quittus, from Latin quietus "free" (in Medieval Latin "free from war, debts, etc."), also "calm, resting" (see quiet (adj.)).
1. Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time.
2. He quit his job as an office boy in Athens.
3. He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord.
4. She quit school as soon as she had taken her GCSEs.
5. Police were called when he refused to quit the building.


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