
英 [dəˈmeɪn]      美 [doʊˈmeɪn]
  • n. 领域;域名;产业;地产
  • n. (Domain)人名;(英、法)多曼
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1、domin- => domain.
2、字面含义为:lord's estate. 现今含义由此得到引申和扩展。
domain 领域

来自拉丁语domus, 家,来自PIE*dom, 家,住所,引申词义领域。

domain: [17] Etymologically, domain means ‘land belonging to a lord’, but its resemblance to such words as dominate and dominion is somewhat adventitious. Until the 17th century it was essentially the same word as demesne: demaine or demeine ‘lord’s estate’ was the Old French equivalent of (and indeed source of) English demesne. It came ultimately from Latin dominicus ‘of a lord’, but its etymological connection with Latin dominus ‘lord’ had become somewhat obscured over the centuries.

But then, around 1600, by association with Latin dominium (source of English dominion), French demaine became altered to domaine, which English borrowed as domain.

=> dame, demesne, dominate, dominion
domain (n.)
early 15c., in Scottish, from Middle French domaine "domain, estate," from Old French demaine "lord's estate," from Latin dominium "property, dominion," from dominus "lord, master, owner," from domus "house" (see domestic). Form influenced in Old French by Medieval Latin domanium "domain, estate." Internet domain name attested by 1985.
1. The state of their marriage has been put into the public domain.
2. It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.
3. Is the domain name already registered or still available?
4. The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.
5. The information has been placed in the public domain.


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