
英 [dreɪp]      美 [dreɪp]
  • vt. 用布帘覆盖;使呈褶裥状
  • vi. 成褶皱状垂下
  • n. 窗帘;褶裥
  • n. (Drape)人名;(德、瑞典)德拉佩
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1. drap- + -e.
2. => ornament with cloth hangings, cover with drapery.
drape 悬挂,帘幕

来自PIE*dhrebh, 击,打,即对棉花,麻布等原材料的初步加工及弹制,其原义见drab. 后该词词义通用化,也用来指加工过的帘子,帷幕等。

drape: [15] The verb drape originally meant ‘weave wool into cloth’. It was borrowed from Old French draper, which was a derivative of drap ‘cloth’ (source of English drab). This in turn came from late Latin drappus, which was ultimately of Celtic origin. Other offspring of drap which found their way into English are draper [14], drapery [14], and trappings. The use of drapery for ‘loose voluminous cloth covering’ eventually fed back into the verb drape, producing in the 19th century its current sense ‘cover loosely with cloth’.
=> drab, draper, trappings
drape (v.)
c. 1400, "to ornament with cloth hangings;" mid-15c., "to weave into cloth," from Old French draper "to weave, make cloth" (13c.), from drap "cloth, piece of cloth, sheet, bandage," from Late Latin drapus, perhaps of Gaulish origin (compare Old Irish drapih "mantle, garment"). Meaning "to cover with drapery" is from 1847. Meaning "to cause to hang or stretch out loosely or carelessly" is from 1943. Related: Draped; draping.
drape (n.)
1660s, from drape (v.). Jive talk slang for "suit of clothes" is attested from 1945.
1. Don't drape your feet over the chair.
2. Humboldt wanted to drape the world in radiance.
3. You just drape your skirt over it and nobody suspects a thing.
4. We have drape for living room, but we need kitchen curtain.
我们为客厅准备了窗帘, 但是我们还需要厨房的窗帘.
5. I'm going to cover you with a drape, across your thighs.


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