
英 [ˈfet.ər]      美 [ˈfet̬.ɚ]
  • vt. 束缚;加脚镣
  • n. 束缚;羁绊;脚镣
  • n. (Fetter)人名;(英、德、匈、法、捷)费特
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fetter 锁链

来自古英语fetor, 链子,特指脚链,词源同foot.

fetter: [OE] Etymologically, fetters are shackles for restraining the ‘feet’. The word comes from prehistoric Germanic *feterō, which derived ultimately from the same Indo-European base, *ped-, as produced English foot. The parallel Latin formation, incidentally, was pedica ‘fetter’, from which English gets impeach.
=> foot, impeach, pedal
fetter (n.)
Old English fetor "chain or shackle by which a person or animal is bound by the feet," figuratively "check, restraint," from Proto-Germanic *fetero (cognates: Old Saxon feteros (plural), Middle Dutch veter "fetter," in modern Dutch "lace, string," Old High German fezzera, Old Norse fiöturr, Swedish fjätter "fetter"), from PIE root *ped- (1) "foot" (see foot (n.)). The generalized sense of "anything that shackles" had evolved in Old English. Related Fetters.
fetter (v.)
c. 1300, from Old English gefetrian, from the noun (see fetter (n.)). Related: Fettered; fettering.
1. This does not mean that we wish to fetter the trade union movement.
2. A clog or fetter on the equity of redemption is void.
3. We reverence tradition but will not is fetter by it.
4. Let Thy goodness , like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
我主, 让此恩典维系流荡的心归你前.
5. Fetter Sound: Ohne iPod geht bei Schweini gar nichts.
我的音乐: 我几乎喜欢所有的音乐类型.



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