
英 [fɪŋk]      美 [fɪŋk]
  • vi. 向警方告密,做工贼
  • n. 告发人,密告人;破坏及反罢工的人;乞丐
  • n. (Fink)人名;(捷、塞、瑞典、德、匈、西、俄、罗、英)芬克
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fink 告密者,工贼


fink (n.)
1902, of uncertain origin, possibly from German Fink "a frivolous or dissolute person," originally "a finch" (see finch); the German word also had a sense of "informer" (compare stool pigeon). The other theory traces it to Pinks, short for Pinkerton agents, the private police force hired to break up the 1892 Homestead strike. As a verb, 1925 in American English slang. Related: Finked; finking.
1. Don't be a rat fink, Jack.
不要可恶地打小报告, 杰克.
2. He is a fink . He has copped out.
他是个工贼, 他妥协了.
3. Mr. Fink had another role in crisis, without the government's help.
芬克在危机中还有另外一个角色, 这个角色没有政府的帮助.
4. Fink: american frontiersman and folk hero known for his marksmanship, fighting skills, and braggadocio.
芬克: 以枪法 、 斗技和吹牛而出名的美国拓荒者和民间英雄人物.
5. Several months later, Mr. Fink paved the way to be involved in the problems at AIG.
几个月后, 芬克为插手AIG的问题铺平了道路.


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