
英 [flɪk]      美 [flɪk]
  • vt. 轻弹;忽然摇动;轻轻拂去
  • vi. 轻弹;忽然摇动;轻轻拂去
  • n. 弹开;快速的轻打;轻打声
  • n. (Flick)人名;(德、法、英、意、葡)弗利克
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1. Netflix : The name is a combination of words. The “Net” is derived from the word Internet and “Flix” is a shortened version of the word flicks – a synonym for movie. Put them together and you get why Netflix is called…Netflix.
2. net / internet + flicks => netflix.
3. As slang for "film," it is first attested 1926, a back-formation from flicker (v.), from their flickering appearance.
4. flick-拍打、振翅 => fl- => fly, flight, flop, flip, flick, flicker 5. symbolic, fl- frequently beginning words denoting sudden movement.
6. 谐音“拂你客”。
7. lick => flick.
8. f-(谐音“肤”) + lick => flick: 就像用舌头舔皮肤一样的那种轻弹、轻拂。
flick 轻弹

来自辅音丛bl, fl, 折腾,拍打,拟声词,词源同flap, flip. -ck, 清脆音,比较click.

flick (n.)
mid-15c., "light blow or stroke," probably imitative of a light blow with a whip. Earliest recorded use is in phrase not worth a flykke "useless." Meaning "quick turn of the wrist" is from 1897 in sports. As slang for "film," it is first attested 1926, a back-formation from flicker (v.), from their flickering appearance.
flick (v.)
1816, "to throw off with a jerk," from flick (n.). Meaning "strike lightly with a quick jerk" is from 1838. Related: Flicked; flicking.
1. The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip.
2. I'll just flick through the pages until I find the right section.
3. I thought I'dhave a quick flick through some recent issues.
4. That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch .
5. He gave a flick of the whip.


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