
英 [flaʊt]      美 [flaʊt]
  • n. 嘲笑;轻视;愚弄
  • vt. 嘲笑;藐视;愚弄
  • vi. 嘲笑;表示轻蔑
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1. flute => flout (弹奏长笛的一些特殊调子本身就暗含一种嘲弄、奚落的意味) "whistle, play the flute, hiss (in derision)".
2. flout + jeer => fleer.
3. 一起飞出去是鸟人,受蔑视。飞出去却遭到蔑视。
4. flout the laws 蔑视法律。
5. 谐音“服老土”-----嘲笑他衣服穿着很老土。
6. lout ([废语]蔑视,藐视,看不起) => flout 又肥又老土、非常的老土.
7. 谐音“奚落他、戏弄他”(字母f去掉中间的那一横线,外形就很像音标中发音为“戏、奚”的那个音标).
8. fly + out => flout: 无视法律规定、无视规矩、无视限制、无视禁令,飞出了禁区、飞出了界限,fly out of forbidden area.
9. 直接无视你的禁令,就是要飞出禁区、飞出界限,就是要明知故犯,你能把我怎么的?
flout 藐视

词源不详。可能来自flute, 笛子,长笛。原指吹笛的人,引申词义藐视,瞧不起。可能是来自人们心目中艺术家的清冷,高傲。

flout (v.)
"treat with disdain or contempt" (transitive), 1550s, intransitive sense "mock, jeer, scoff" is from 1570s; of uncertain origin; perhaps a special use of Middle English flowten "to play the flute" (compare Middle Dutch fluyten "to play the flute," also "to jeer"). Related: Flouted; flouting.
1. Motorists regularly flout the law .
2. No one can flout the rules and get away with it.
3. Timeshare companies also come in for a rap as they continue to flout the rules.
4. Meanwhile, corruption flourishes, and local officials openly flout environmental laws and regulations.
与此同时, 腐败盛行, 地方官员公然蔑视环境保护法和相关规章制度.
5. Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets.
(许多机车骑士故意不戴安全帽表示藐视法令. )



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