
英 [ɡrɪm]      美 [ɡrɪm]
  • adj. 冷酷的;糟糕的;残忍的
  • n. (Grim)人名;(英、德、俄、捷、匈)格里姆
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1. g (ghost) + rim => grim: 鬼在你的边上、旁边。
2. 前面加鬼(g -> ghost)真恐怖。
3. grim―― g+ rim 鬼在你边上 狰狞的, 阴森的
grim 严肃的,阴冷的

来自PIE*ghrem, 生气的,拟声词,模仿咆哮的声音。

grim: [OE] Indo-European *ghrem-, *ghromprobably originated in imitation of the sound of rumbling (amongst its descendants was grumins ‘thunder’ in the extinct Baltic language Old Prussian). In Germanic it became *grem-, *gram-, *grum-, which not only produced the adjective *grimmaz (source of German grimm, Swedish grym, and English, Dutch, and Danish grim) and the English verb grumble [16], but was adopted into Spanish as grima ‘fright’, which eventually arrived in English as grimace [17].
=> grimace, grumble
grim (adj.)
Old English grimm "fierce, cruel, savage; severe, dire, painful," from Proto-Germanic *grimmaz (cognates: Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German, German grimm "grim, angry, fierce," Old Norse grimmr "stern, horrible, dire," Swedish grym "fierce, furious"), from PIE *ghrem- "angry," perhaps imitative of the sound of rumbling thunder (compare Greek khremizein "to neigh," Old Church Slavonic vuzgrimeti "to thunder," Russian gremet' "thunder").

A weaker word now than it once was; sense of "dreary, gloomy" first recorded late 12c. It also had a verb form in Old English, grimman (class III strong verb; past tense gramm, past participle grummen), and a noun, grima "goblin, specter," perhaps also a proper name or attribute-name of a god, hence its appearance as an element in place names.

Grim reaper as a figurative phrase for "death" is attested by 1847 (the association of grim and death goes back at least to 17c.). A Middle English expression for "have recourse to harsh measures" was to wend the grim tooth (early 13c.).
grim (n.)
"spectre, bogey, haunting spirit," 1620s, from grim (adj.).
1. Psychometric tests can save organizations from grim and costly mistakes.
2. She was a grim woman with a turned-down mouth.
3. The report paints a grim picture of life there.
4. Things were pretty grim for a time.
5. The committee walked out, grim-faced and shocked.


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