
英 [ɡʌʃ]      美 [ɡʌʃ]
  • v. 涌出;迸出
  • n. 涌出;迸发
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wash 洗,冲出 → gush 涌出,喷出;

gush v 喷,涌,滔滔不绝的说。 (和rush一起记,都暗含冲出,喷出的含义)
2. gust, rush => gush.
3. 谐音“汩溪”。
4. go out / get out + rush => gush.
5. rush => gush.
6. go + rush => gush.
7. gas + rush => gush.
gush 涌出

来自PIE*gheu, 涌出,倾泻,词源同foundry, gut, gust.

gush (v.)
c. 1400, "to rush out suddenly and forcefully" (of blood, water, etc.), probably formed imitatively in English or from Low German, or from or based on Old Norse gusa "to gush, spurt," from PIE *gus-, from PIE *gheus- "to pour," and related to geyser. Metaphoric sense of "speak in an effusive manner" first recorded 1873. Related: Gushed; gushing. The noun is 1680s, from the verb.
1. She felt a gush of pure affection for her mother.
2. I heard a gush of water.
3. Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up.
4. There was a gush of blood from the wound.
5. I wished Mummy wouldn't gush over Peter's little success at school; it makes him feel a fool in front of his friends.
我真希望妈妈不要在学校大谈特谈彼得小小的成功, 这使他在朋友面前感到自己是个傻瓜.


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