
英 [ˈher.ɪŋ]      美 [ˈher.ɪŋ]
  • n. 鲱(又称青鱼)
  • n. (Herring)人名;(英)赫林
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1. hare (grey animal): 取名自它的颜色,野兔皮毛基本上都是呈灰色、灰白色的。
2. herring (grey fish): 取名自它的颜色,鲱鱼的颜色都是灰色、灰白色的。
3. hare, herring => hoar, hoary.
4. perhaps related to or influenced in form by Old English har "gray, hoar," from the color, or to Old High German heri "host, multitude" from its large schools.
5. 鲱鱼战役(Battle of Herrings),又称鲱鱼之战是1429年2月12日发生在法国奥尔良北部的军事行动,此时正奥尔良之围期间。
herring 鲱鱼


herring: [OE] Just as the hare is probably the ‘grey animal’, so the herring could well be the ‘grey fish’. Old English hǣring goes back to a prehistoric West Germanic *khēringgaz, in which the first syllable could represent the ancestor of English hoar ‘silvery-grey’ – the colour of the herring. French hareng comes from a variant of the West Germanic word.
=> hare, hoar
herring (n.)
Old English hering (Anglian), hæring (West Saxon), from West Germanic *heringgaz (cognates: Old Frisian hereng, Middle Dutch herinc, German Hering), of unknown origin, perhaps related to or influenced in form by Old English har "gray, hoar," from the color, or to Old High German heri "host, multitude" from its large schools.

French hareng, Italian aringa are from Germanic. The Battle of the Herrings (French bataille des harengs) is the popular name for the battle at Rouvrai, Feb. 12, 1492, fought in defense of a convoy of provisions, mostly herrings and other "lenten stuffe."
1. The young of some kinds of herring are canned as sardines.
2. Smoked herring is a local delicacy.
3. Thousands of herring and crab are washed up on the beaches during every storm.
4. As Dr Smith left he said that the inquiry was something of a red herring.
5. The warden took us to a vantage point on the slopes where we saw herring gulls on the rocks below.


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