
英 [ɪˈluː.ʒən]      美 [ɪˈluː.ʒən]
  • n. 幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰
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2、通过连哄带骗的戏耍、玩弄(play, joke, jest)等方式,将你吸引进去,将(使)你置于一种幻觉、错觉、假象之中,让你信以为真而不自知。
3、il- "in, into" + lus- + -ion.
4. 谐音“一路淫”--- 一路上都在意淫 --- 意淫当然是幻觉了。
illusion 虚幻


illusion: [14] The notion of ‘play’ is at the etymological heart of illusion (as indeed of its close relatives allusion [16], delusion [15], and elude [16]). It came via Old French from Latin illūsiō, a derivative of illūdere ‘make fun of’. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix in- and lūdere ‘play’ (source of English ludicrous [17]). In classical Latin illūsiō meant ‘mockery’, and no semantic shift seems to have taken place until post-classical times, when it moved to ‘deceit’ (a sense originally taken over by English).
=> allusion, delusion, elude, ludicrous
illusion (n.)
mid-14c., "act of deception," from Old French illusion "a mocking, deceit, deception" (12c.), from Latin illusionem (nominative illusio) "a mocking, jesting, irony," from illudere "mock at," literally "to play with," from assimilated form of in- "at, upon" (see in- (2)) + ludere "to play" (see ludicrous). Sense of "deceptive appearance" developed in Church Latin and was attested in English by late 14c. Related: Illusioned "full of illusions" (1920).
1. Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.
2. She laboured under the illusion that I knew what I was doing.
3. This eerie calm is an illusion.
4. The sun appears to go round the Earth, but it's an illusion.
太阳看起来好像绕着地球转, 但这只是个错觉.
5. The mirrors all round the walls give an illusion of greater space.


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