
英 [ˌledʒ.ə.dəˈmeɪn]      美 [ˌledʒ.ɚ.dəˈmeɪn]
  • n. 戏法,骗术;巧妙的花招
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legerdemain 手法,花招

来自法语leger de main,手法,花招,leger,轻的,快的,词源同light,main,手,词源同manual.

legerdemain (n.)
early 15c., "conjuring tricks," from Middle French léger de main "quick of hand," literally "light of hand," from léger "light" in weight (from Latin levis "light;" see lever) + main "hand" (from Latin manus; see manual).
1. The lawyer confused the jury with his legal legerdemain.
2. Legerdemain 2 : Exalted dish whole put huge amount breakthrough.
骗术 二: 高位盘整放巨量突破.
3. Legerdemain 3 : Dish the mouth entrusts odd legerdemain.
骗术 三: 盘口委托单骗术.
4. Some accused the White House of legerdemain.
5. And vital to rapid deployment, most applications can be completely oblivious to this background legerdemain.
另外,对快速部署来说非常重要的是, 大多数应用程序对这些幕后戏法是完全不可知的.


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