英 [ɪnˈ]
美 [ɪnˈ]
1. in- + tens- + -e.
2. 该词由intend的拉丁语对应词的过去分词衍生而来,由此取其形容词含义,表示动作已经发生后的结果或状态。
3. 含义:the state that have stretched on sth, description the state of sth that have stretched.
4. 也就是形容针对、在对某事物(sth)进行拉扯后所形成的状态。
5. => 剧烈的,强烈的;紧张的;热烈的。
6. intense + -ly.
- 1. Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning.
- 艾森豪威尔深谙长远规划的必要性。
- 2. Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.
- 史蒂夫非常想了解我以前生活的那个世界。
- 3. I could feel that a man was watching me very intensely.
- 我能感觉到有人正紧盯着我看。
- 4. Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish, egotistic streak.
- 苏珊和德博拉两个人都极端自私和自我。
- 5. He was intensely eager, indeed avid, for wealth.
- 他嗜财如命。