英 [ɪnˈtɜː.mɪ.nə.bəl]
美 [ɪnˈtɝː.mɪ.nə.bəl]
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interminable 冗长的in-,不,非,terminable,终结的,终止的。
- interminable (adj.)
- late 14c., from Late Latin interminabilis, from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + terminabilis, from terminalis (see terminal (adj.)). Related: Interminably.
- 1. The drive seemed interminable.
- 这次开车好像没有尽头。
- 2. For several seemingly interminable seconds no one spoke.
- 有几秒钟没有人讲话,这几秒钟似乎十分漫长.
- 3. I was glad of company for the last, long hours of this interminable flight.
- 在这次漫无尽头的飞行的最后几个小时里,我有人作伴很高兴.
- 4. The bus stopped and started , picked people up, let them down, and pursued its interminable course again unhurriedly.
- 公共汽车停停走走, 让人们上车下车, 然后不紧不慢地继续它那无休止的行程.
- 5. The distance seemed interminable, and the walk was most laborious.
- 距离好象无穷无尽似的, 走起来真够吃力.