
英 [leɪv]      美 [leɪv]
  • vt. 洗;沐浴;冲刷
  • n. 剩余物
  • vi. 沐浴
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lave (v.)
c. 1200, from Old English gelafian "wash by pouring, pour (water)," possibly an early English or West Germanic borrowing (compare Dutch laven, German laben) of Latin lavare "to wash," or its Old French descendant, laver. Latin lavare is from PIE *leu(e)- "to wash" (cognates: Latin luere "to wash," Greek louein "to wash, bathe," Old Irish loathar "basin," Breton laouer "trough," Old English leaþor "lather").
1. We've instructions to lave them be.'
我们上峰有指示,让他们闹去吧. ”
2. Lave ejected from the volcano. Luckily, it did not hurt people.
熔岩从火山喷出, 幸好没伤着人.
3. Bids are free, so you lave nothing to lose.
反正报价不要钱, 您没有损失.
4. The volcano spurts smoke and lave after 3 years of silence.
5. Some say lave, it is hunger, an endless aching need.
有人说, 爱是饥饿, 痛苦的渴求是永不停歇.



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