
英 [lʌmp]      美 [lʌmp]
  • n. 块,块状;肿块;瘤;很多;笨人
  • vt. 混在一起;使成块状;忍耐;笨重地移动
  • vi. 结块
  • adj. 成团的;总共的
  • adv. 很;非常
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1. -ump 表示“有突出感”.
2. lump: 肿块,疙瘩.
3. plump: 丰满的(漂亮的突出).
4. hump: 驼峰.


lump: [13] The origins of lump are obscure. It presumably emerged from an imperfectly recorded medieval Germanic substratum of words for ‘coarse or shapeless things’ (also represented perhaps by Low German lump ‘coarse, heavy’ and Dutch lomp ‘rag’), but where this began is not known. The lump of like it or lump it [19] is a different word, of even more mysterious ancestry.
lump (n.)
early 14c., lumpe (1224 as surname), probably in Old English, perhaps from a Scandinavian source (compare Danish lumpe, 16c.), of unknown origin. Compare also Middle High German lumpe, early modern Dutch lompe. Phrase lump in (one's) throat "feeling of tightness brought on by emotion" is from 1803. Lumps "hard knocks, a beating" is colloquial, from 1934. Lump sum, one covering a number of items, is from 1867.
lump (v.2)
"endure" (now usually in contrast to like), 1791, apparently an extended sense from an older meaning "to look sulky, dislike" (1570s), of unknown origin, perhaps a symbolic sound (compare grump, harumph, etc.). Related: Lumped; lumping.
LUMPING. Great. A lumping pennyworth; a great qualtity for the money, a bargain. He has got a lumping pennyworth; frequently said of a man who marries a fat woman. [Grose, "Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," 3rd edition, 1796]
lump (v.1)
early 15c., "to curl up in a ball, to gather into a lump" (implied in lumped), from lump (n.). Meaning "to put together in one mass or group" is from 1620s. Related: Lumped; lumping.
1. They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.
2. Howard had to have cancer surgery for a lump in his chest.
3. a lump of gristle
4. She impaled a lump of meat on her fork.
5. My hand came into contact with a small lump.


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