
英 [ˈmɔːd.lɪn]      美 [ˈmɑːd.lɪn]
  • adj. 感情脆弱的;容易流泪的;酒后伤感的
  • n. 伤感;易流泪
  • n. (Maudlin)人名;(英)莫德琳(教名Magdalen的昵称)
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maudlin 言语伤感的,自怜的

来自圣经中的人物Mary of Magdalene,抹大拉的玛丽亚。常以哭哭啼啼的形象示人,因此,由其名字引申词义自怜的,言语伤感的。其字面意思为塔,村庄名,来自希伯来语migdal,塔。

maudlin: [16] Maudlin represents a gradual erosion of the pronunciation of Magdalen (exhibited also in the case of the Oxford and Cambridge colleges that have taken that name). The word originated as the name given to a woman called Mary who came from Magdala on the Sea of Galilee, and who according to the Bible was present at Christ’s crucifixion and was the first to meet him after he had risen from the dead. In the Middle Ages she was generally represented in paintings as crying, and so maudlin came to be used for ‘oversentimental’.
maudlin (adj.)
c. 1600, "tearful," from Middle English fem. proper name Maudelen (early 14c.), from Magdalene (Old French Madelaine), woman's name, originally surname of Mary the repentant sinner forgiven by Jesus in Luke vii:37 (see Magdalene). In paintings, she often was shown weeping as a sign of repentance. Meaning "characterized by tearful sentimentality" is recorded by 1630s.
1. Jimmy turned maudlin after three drinks.
2. He grew maudlin, could hardly see the cards or sit upright.
他变得沉醉了,不拘束了, 几乎看不清牌,也坐不端正了.
3. Mr. Carrey may be consciously steering his movies toward maudlin pop psychology.
4. He always becomes maudlin after he's had a few drinks.
5. We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war.


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