
英 [miːt]      美 [miːt]
  • vt. 满足;遇见;对付
  • vi. 相遇;接触
  • n. 集会
  • adj. 合适的;适宜的
  • n. (Meet)人名;(英)米特
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meet 会见,见面


meet: [OE] English has two words meet, although one of them has almost died out. The verb comes from a prehistoric Germanic *gamōtjan, a derivative of the noun *mōtam ‘meeting’ (from which English gets moot). Its Germanic relatives include Dutch moeten, Swedish mōta, and Danish møde. The adjective, ‘suitable’, originally meant literally ‘fitting’, and goes back via Old English gemǣte to the prehistoric Germanic base *mǣt-, *met- ‘measure’ (source also of the verb mete ‘measure’ [OE], as in mete out, and related ultimately to English measure).
=> moot; measure, mete
meet (v.)
Old English metan "to find, find out; fall in with, encounter; obtain," from Proto-Germanic *motjan (cognates: Old Norse mæta, Old Frisian meta, Old Saxon motian "to meet," Gothic gamotijan), from PIE root *mod- "to meet, assemble." Related to Old English gemot "meeting." Meaning "to assemble" is from 1520s. Of things, "to come into contact," c. 1300. Related: Met; meeting. To meet (someone) halfway in the figurative sense is from 1620s.
meet (adj.)
"proper, fitting," Old English gemæte, Anglian *gemete, "suitable, having the same dimensions," from Proto-Germanic *ga-mætijaz (cognates: Old Norse mætr, Old High German gimagi, German gemäß "suitable"), from collective prefix *ga- + PIE *med- "to measure" (see medical (adj.)). The basic formation is thus the same as that of commensurate.
meet (n.)
1831 in the sporting sense, originally of gatherings for hunting, from meet (v.).
1. We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.
2. The three parties will meet next month to work out remaining differences.
3. Many of Britain's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness.
4. My understanding was that we'd meet at her place.
5. Parallel lines will never meet no matter how far extended.


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