
英 [mʌf]      美 [mʌf]
  • vt. 弄糟;错过;漏接
  • vi. 弄糟;行为笨拙;漏接
  • n. 笨人;暖手筒;接球失误
  • n. (Muff)人名;(英、捷)穆夫
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笨蛋 muff 木夫, 麻夫
mutt 木头
muff 厚手套,暖手筒


muff (n.)
"warm covering for the hands," 1590s, from Dutch mof "a muff," shortened from Middle Dutch moffel "mitten, muff," from Middle French moufle "mitten," from Old French mofle "thick glove, large mitten, handcuffs" (9c.), from Medieval Latin muffula "a muff," of unknown origin. In 17c.-18c. also worn by men. Meaning "vulva and pubic hair" is from 1690s; muff-diver "one who performs cunnilingus" is from 1935.
muff (v.)
"to bungle," 1827, pugilism slang, probably related to muff (n.) "awkward person" (1837), perhaps from muff (n.) on notion of someone clumsy because his hands are in a muff. Related: Muffed; muffing.
1. " It was within three feet of Muff Potter when it done it. "
“ 当时,莫夫-波特离死人不到三英尺远呢. ”
2. So it's the same with Muff Potter, of course.
3. " If anybody tells, let Muff Potter do it, if he's fool enough.
“ 要揭发就让莫夫-波特那个傻瓜去干吧!
4. " Huck, Muff Potter don't know it. How can he tell? "
“ 哈克, 莫夫-波特不知道出事了,他怎么能告发 呢 ? ”
5. One of'em's old Muff Potter's voice. "
那是莫夫-波特 老头 的声音.


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